区域中心暂停,EB-5 案子 暂停审理,很多人陷于了两难之中,问到最多的问题是:彭律师,我到底是保卡还是退款?或者是钱卡我都想要,我该怎么办?这是一个极其复杂的问题,里面牵扯到很多的法律关系。我会出一系列的文章,来讲解这个问题,帮助大家更好的根据自己的情况做出决定。其中,如果您想要拿到永久绿卡,那么绕不开的问题就是在审理I829的时候,是否创造了10个就业问题,怎么去衡量这10个就业呢?判断标准是什么?
1. 怎样理解“10个就业”?
移民局给出的解释是:An EB-5 investor must invest the required amount of capital in a new commercial enterprise that will create full-time positions for at least 10 qualifying employees.
· For a new commercial enterprise not located within a regional center, the new commercial enterprise must directly create the full-time positions to be counted. This means that the new commercial enterprise (or its wholly owned subsidiaries) must itself be the employer of the qualifying employees.
· For a new commercial enterprise located within a regional center, the new commercial enterprise can directly or indirectly create the full-time positions.
EB-5 投资者必须将钱投资于新的商业企业中,该企业将创造至少10个全职就业。
· 对于非区域中心的新商业企业,比如说100万的EB5直投项目,必须直接创造10个就业;
· 对于位于区域中心的新商业企业,比如50万的投资项目,要求会宽松一些,这10个就业可以是直接的,也可以是间接的
A qualifying employee is a U.S. citizen, lawful permanent resident, or other immigrant authorized to work in the United States, including a conditional resident, temporary resident, asylee, refugee, or a person residing in the United States under suspension of deportation. This definition does not include immigrant investors; their spouses, sons, or daughters; or any alien in any nonimmigrant status (such as an H-1B nonimmigrant) or who is not authorized to work in the United States.
但是EB5 投资人,投资人的直系亲属(配偶,儿子,女儿)都不可以算作这里的10个就业。
“Direct jobs that are intermittent, temporary, seasonal, or transient in nature do not qualify as permanent full-time jobs. However, jobs that are expected to last for at least 2 years generally are not considered intermittent, temporary, seasonal, or transient in nature. ”
5.怎样定义“全职工作?(full-time employment)
“A job-sharing arrangement where two or more qualifying employees share a full-time position will count as full-time employment provided the hourly requirement per week is met. This definition does not include combinations of part-time positions even if, when combined, the positions meet the hourly requirement per week.”
比如说:打扫酒店的工作,由A,B,C 三个人兼职来做,A 每周工作10个小时,B工作10个小时,C工作16个小时。那么A,B,C三个加在一起可以被认为是创造了1个就业机会。
如果A 打扫酒店,每周工作10个小时,B负责前台,每周工作10个小时,C负责刷墙,每周工作16个小时,他们的工作内容不一样,则他们三个人的工作时间虽然超过了35个小时,但是不被认为是创造了一个就业。
6. 由于投资人资金的投入,区域中心创造了就业,那么怎么去分配这些就业岗位?
“Full-time positions will be allocated to immigrant investors based on the date their petition to remove conditions was filed, unless otherwise stated in the relevant documents.[7] For example, if the new commercial enterprise creates25 jobs, yet there are three immigrant investors associated with the newcommercial enterprise, and the record is silent on the issue of allocation, thefirst two immigrant investors to file the petition to remove conditions will each get to count 10 of the 25 jobs. The third immigrant investor to file the petition to remove conditions is allocated the remaining five jobs.”
全职工作机会的分配有约定的按照约定,没有约定的按照投资者提交I829的时间顺序来分配,比如说 NCE创造了25个工作机会,前面2个先提交I829 的投资人分配到20个工作机会,后面的一个投资人分配到的创造就业机会是5个,那么后提交的人就不满足创造就业情况,临时绿卡就没有办法转为永久绿卡。