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1. 配偶是美国公民,通过婚姻绿卡申请入籍,夫妻离婚?可以申请入籍吗?


In general, all naturalization applicants filing on the basis of marriage to a U.S. citizen must continue to be the spouse of a U.S. citizen from the time of filing the naturalization application until the applicant takes the Oath of Allegiance.


2. 怎样理解“以婚姻的状态生活”(“ Living in Marital Union”)?


USCIS considers an applicant to “live in marital union” with his or her citizen spouse if the applicant and the citizen actually reside together.


3. 如果夫妻双方没有离婚,但是分居,入籍会不会批准?


If the applicant ceases to reside with his or her U.S. citizen spouse between the time of filing and the time at which the applicant takes the Oath of Allegiance, the officer should consider whether the applicant met the living in marital union requirement at the time of filing.


分居分为2种,一种是“法律规定的分开(Legal Separation)”法庭判决分开,只是夫妻关系还没有正式终止,这种情况下没有办法通过婚姻3年入籍。


• 分开的时间长度

• 是否他们计划永久分开

• 他们在分开的时间内是否共同抚养小孩等等。

移民官将通过以上因素自由裁量看 他们是否满足“以婚姻的状态生活“这一条件。

4. 分居但是依然可以申请入籍的例外情况有哪些?被迫分开(Involuntary Separation)?


Under very limited circumstances and where there is no indication of marital disunity, an applicant may be able to establish that he or she is living in marital union with his or her U.S. citizen spouse even though the applicant does not actually reside with citizen spouse.

An applicant is not made ineligible for naturalization for not living in marital union if the separation is due to circumstances beyond his or her control, such as: [32]

• Service in the U.S. armed forces; or

• Required travel or relocation for employment.

如果双方并不是夫妻感情破裂分开,而是因为其他的被迫的原因分开,比如说由于在部队服役,或者工作需要分居两地,都 被认为是“以婚姻的状态生活”(“ Living in Marital Union”)


5. 如果申请的过程中,美国公民死亡,是否还可以申请入籍?


An applicant is ineligible to naturalize as the spouse of a U.S. citizen if the U.S. citizen dies any time prior to the applicant taking the Oath of Allegiance



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