子女在美国念书,很多父母通过B2签证进入美国陪读,但是B2签证只能在美国待6个月,如果想长期待在美国境内,需要多次延期,并且B2 延期有被拒的风险。这种情况下,可以尝试联系语言学校,B2 转为F1,可以长期合法的待在美国。
1. 申请人在美国境内将B2转为F1须要符合什么条件?
1) 有学校颁发的入学许可证明。
2) 申请人能够支付在美学习和生活的财力证明。
3) 申请人在其母国有永久居住的地址,无移民美国的倾向。
4) 申请人须证明其持有B2签证进入美国,并非故意假借旅游签证的名义,行入境后转换身份之实。申请人若以旅游签入境时就有在美国学习的意图,其身份转换将会遭到拒绝。通常建议B2签证入境美国90天之后再提出转身份的申请。
5) 申请转换身分的申请人在申请时须有合法的B2签证身份。
6) 除以上几点之外,还需要注意的是,依美国移民局规定“In general, upon approval of a change of status (COS) to F-1, F-1 students may not engage in any student activities until 30 days before their academic program start date.”“engaging in any employment, including on-campus employment and practical training more than 30 days before the program start date, is a violation of F-1 status.”
2. 境内B2转换为F1的优缺点有哪些?
缺点:审理的周期比较长,通常是6个月到1年的时间。如果转身份失败,10 年B2 签证也会作废。
3. 如果在开学之前,F1签证还没有批准,该怎么样?
依美国移民局规定,“If a COS to F-1 application is not approved before the program start date reflected on the initial “Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status” (Form I-20), the applicant must request that their Designated School Official (DSO) defer the program start date in the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) before the current program start date has been reached.”
4. 如果F1签证还在申请中,离境会怎么样?
依照美国移民局的规定,“If a nonimmigrant travels abroad while their COS application is pending, USCIS considers that COS application abandoned.”
5. 什么是F2身分? F2可以同时提交吗?
根据美国移民局的规定,“file their COS application while their current nonimmigrant status is valid and unexpired. Officers must review the expiration date of the applicant’s nonimmigrant status as indicated on the applicant’s Arrival/Departure Record (Form I-94) or other relevant document(s) to make this determination. If USCIS denies the principal nonimmigrant’s COS application, officers must deny any dependent’s COS application as well.”