1、 什么是O类签证?
The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and implementing regulations provide that certain employers or agents may petition in the O-1 visa category for nonimmigrants who have extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, which has been demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim.[1]The O-1 visa category may also include those who have a demonstrated a record of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture and television industry.
O-1A 在科学、商业、教育及体育领域内的杰出人才;
O-1B 在艺术领域(包含电影,电视领域)的杰出人才;
O-2 O1申请人的必要协助人员;
O-3 O1/O2申请人的配偶及21岁以下的子女
2、 O-1签证适用于哪些人?
In order to qualify as a person of “extraordinary ability” in the sciences, education, business, or athletics (commonly referred to as O-1A), or in arts (commonly referred to as O-1B (Arts)), a beneficiary must have “sustained national or international acclaim.”[1] With regard to classification to work in motion picture and television productions (commonly referred to as O-1B (MPTV)), a beneficiary must have a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement.[2] In all cases, an O-1 beneficiary’s achievements must have been recognized in the field through extensive documentation.
The regulations define “extraordinary ability” as applied to the O-1 classification as follows:
1) In the field of science, education, business, or athletics: a level of expertise indicating that the person is one of the small percentage who have arisen to the very top of the field of endeavor.[4]
2) In the field of arts: distinction, defined as a high level of achievement in the field of arts, as evidenced by a degree of skill and recognition substantially above that ordinarily encountered to the extent that a person described as prominent is renowned, leading, or well-known in the field of arts.
3) “Extraordinary achievement” in reference to persons in the motion picture or television industry (including both performers and others) means a very high level of accomplishment in the motion picture or television industry, as evidenced by a degree of skill and recognition significantly above that ordinarily encountered to the extent that the person is recognized as outstanding, notable, or leading in the motion picture or television field.
也就是说, O-1A签证申请人需要具备的条件和杰出人才的条件很相近,获得国际性的大奖例如诺贝尔奖,就会被公认为是杰出人才。当然获得过这样大奖的人只是极少数,那么没有获得过此类知名国际大奖的人,就可以用其他替代条件,比如满足以下至少三条也可以申请:
O -1A要求(至少满足三条)
1) 曾获得国家级奖项或者相对影响力较小的国际级奖项;
2) 是本领域内公认的著名团体的成员
3) 专业出版物、行业出版物或著名媒体对该申请人的相关报导。
4) 曾对行业内其他人的作品进行评判,比如曾经是专业比赛的评委或其他学术论文的评审员。
5) 在科学、商业及学术上有重大突出贡献
6) 发表过专业学术论著及文章
7) 在知名机构中担任领导或其他重要职务。
8) 在行业内拥有丰厚的或某种不寻常的报酬。
1) 曾经或者即将在著名或重要的影片或电视制作中担任主角或主演。(影评、报纸新闻、影片宣传等可以证明)
2) 在著名的期刊被报道过或发表过作品,可以证明在国际上达到一定的认可
3) 曾经或即将在某个著名机构的制作活动中担任主角或其他重要角色。
4) 在艺术界和商业界获得成功,如参演过某些票房很高的影片
5) 有被有关协会、政府机构或权威专家公认的突出成就。
6) 获得在行业内极高的薪水或报酬。